
Articles Posted in Nursing Home Neglect


Study Shows Vaccines Are Most Effective Way to Prevent Flu in Older Citizens

According to the University of Pittsburgh’s Institute on Aging, an average of 226,000 people are hospitalized annually with flu-related symptoms and the rate is higher for the elderly with 560 hospitalizations per 100,000 people. The highest rate of death from flu related symptoms is in those seniors 85 years old…


Nursing Home Groups Support Marilyn Tavenner as Administrator of Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

The appointment of Marilyn Tavenner to replace Donald Berwick, M.D. as administrator for the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid (CMS) is getting strong support from nursing home groups, according to an article on In the article, Alan G. Rosenbloom, president of the Alliance for Quality Nursing Home Care, said…


Common Medications That Cause Older Americans to Be Hospitalized

According to an article on, there are four common medications that are responsible for sending an estimated 100,000 seniors to the hospital from drug reactions. “Of the thousands of medications available to older patients, a small group of blood thinners and diabetes medications caused a high proportion of emergency…


November is National Family Caregiver Month

The Pennsylvania Department of Aging recognizes November as National Family Caregiver Month. According to the state agency, Pennsylvania has about 1.2 million unpaid caregivers, making it the fourth largest caregiver population in the country. These caregivers contribute more than $13,000 of free service every year the agency estimates and as…


State Personal Care Home Violations Discussed

According to a Pittsburgh television station investigating team, seven personal care homes across the state were shut down last year, while three others had their licenses revoked. Target 11 investigator Rick Earle and photographer Tim Holoman interviewed Ron Melusky, the state director of Adult Residential Licensing in Harrisburg last month.…

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