
Former Fessler Building in Orwigsburg May Become Elderly Housing

An article on the reports that the former FesslerUSA building in Orwigsburg could become affordable housing for senior citizens.

“Normally, we don’t go outside of Pottsville but the opportunity presented itself. It’s a nice building. It works for what we do,” said the CEO of Barefield Development Corp.

According to the article, the senior housing could include 20 to 25 units, consisting of a few two-bedroom apartments and mostly one-bedroom apartments.

The building has been empty since 2009 when Fessler moved from that location to the site on Route 61. But Fessler has since closed. Because it is so close to homes, it has been difficult to sell the building for another industrial purpose.

Barefield will apply for tax credits from the Pennsylvania Housing Finanace Agency (PHFA) and should know by spring if the credits are awarded. Construction could start in September or October of next year and could take a year to complete. PHFA’s website says the agency assists in providing affordable housing for low-income people.

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