
Nursing Home Compare Website New Design is Unveiled

The wait is over…a redesign of the federal government’s Nursing Home Compare website has been completed.

The website, maintained and updated by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, is an online tool that helps families to better evaluate nursing homes.

The redesign features 21 new criteria that measure the quality of care at nursing homes across the county, including long-term and short-term care facilities. The new criteria focuses on specific issues such as pressure ulcers, infections, self-reported pain, falls, and general well-being. It also includes the percentage of residents at a facility who have received a pneumonia vaccine and who have been physically restrained.

The site will also include data about the number of civil money penalties and similar enforcement actions against a nursing home over the last three years.

The Nursing Compare Website allows consumers to file complaints more easily with state survey agencies, and includes links to phone and fax numbers, and standardized complaint forms.

If you are in the process of choosing a nursing home for a loved one, visit Get all the facts and compare facilities so that you can have peace of mind that your family member will receive the care and attention they need.

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