
Operator of Altoona Nursing Home and Two Aides Face Neglect Charges

In November of 2011, an 80-year-old resident of Warner’s Home for the Aged in Altoona died 12 days after being admitted to the facility. As a result, the home’s owner and two aides are facing neglect charges in the resident’s death.

According to an article on WRTA.com, a doctor told a grand jury that the resident had numerous unattended sores and that this was the worst case of neglect that he had seen in 30 years.

The operator of Warner’s Home and the two aides have been charged wtih one count each of neglect of a care-dependent person, which is considered a misdemeanor. Preliminary hearings for all three will be held in early October.

It’s difficult to imagine that someone who is placed in a home because they are not able to care for themselves could be neglected to the point that they perish from lack of care. And for a doctor to state that it’s the worst case of neglec that he’s seen in 30 years further exemplifies the horrific nature of this case. If you have a loved one in a skilled nursing facility and you suspect that they are not receiving the care they require, trust your instincts. Contact the nursing home abuse attorneys of O’Connor Law for a free review of your case.

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