Articles Tagged with In-Home Care

Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf’s administration is putting out a new Medicaid feature that’s aimed to decrease the number of enrollees in nursing homes in the future.  It is also intended to lessen a large expense for the state, which has a rapidly growing elderly population.  This plan has been in place in many other states for years and provides the road map for how it can be administered in Pennsylvania.

This new feature will have a financial incentive to get enrollees the medical care and services they need in their home instead of in the nursing home, where it can be twice as expensive.

The savings under this plan will be substantial. It is around $62,000 per year for nursing home care and about half that for the care at home.  There are over 50,000 Pennsylvania nursing home residents that are covered under Medicaid.

Whether to move a loved one into an assisted living home or hire an in-home caregiver is a difficult decision. Families can feel pressure to continue providing care for an aging adult despite signs that it might be time to explore other options. Other times families may find themselves unsure as to whether a loved one may need around the clock care.

While there is rarely a clear sign that it is time to move an aging family member to an assisted living home or hire an in-home caregiver, recently published a list of eleven signs that family members and caregivers can look for to help in making that decision. Here are some highlights from that article: Continue reading

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